SET Medikal is a leading manufacturer and a provider of disposable medical devices at the highest quality possible.
Since 1977, SET has been on a mission to make safe and easy-to-use medical devices accessible for everyone.
Today, thousands of healthcare professionals in more than 30 countries use SET syringes, insulin needles, infusion & blood transfusion sets, IV Cannulas and many more.
SET conforms to the required international standards and procedures, which enables constant improvement of its products and high customer satisfaction.
SET is headquartered in Istanbul and is aiming to continue to be the high-quality manufacturer of a variety of disposable medical devices, to provide safe and easy-to-use devices to all around the world, and to ensure both healthcare workers and patients remain safe while its carefully-designed products are in-use.
In 2020, SET Medikal has acquired FDA 510(K) Clearance for its products.